
The preparation of the glider for 2024 in progress.
Coating refreshment, Glider technical inspection, upgrade of equipments is ongoing !
Please fell free to book a reservation. In case of question contact me.

Best Regards,
Robert K.

I am glad to inform of the great Jakub's Kaczorowski succeed who was starting and flying between 09.06-17.06.2023 on the Mini Nimbus
on The Polish Gliding Championship club A in Lisie Kąty.
They had 4 competition days . Jakub won 3 of 4 competition's days, once he was 2nd. There were 31 competitors.
It worth to mentioned that it was his 2nd competitions on Mini Nimbus this year. Earlier he had taken a part in Leszno Cup in the standard class . He was 8th among 21 competitors.
The most important competition ahead !
In July and August Jakub is going on the 6th FAI Junior European Gliding Championship 2023 to Denmark !
Finger cross for his success !

The Sailsplane has returned straight back after yearly technical inspection to EPLS and it's ready to fly!

W porównaniu do roku 2022 zostało wprowadzonych wiele modyfikacji które już są widoczne i które pojawią się niebawem.

Wśród nich znajdują się:
1) Dodane znaki konkursowe na szybowcu, oraz na przyczepie,
2) Zmieniony mikrofon,
3) Zmodyfikowane pokrowce w celu lepszego pokrycia szybowca,
4) Wyposażenie do naziemnego holowania szybowca do startu (dyszel, kółko do skrzydła)
5) Oczekujemy na flarm view który zastąpi diodowe wskaźniki flarmu w celu łatwiejszego odczytu oraz modyfikacji ustawień
6) Rozdzielacz który umożliwi połączenie całej dostępnej elektroniki w celu współdzielenia odczytów
7) Nowy spadochron ATL 15 którego oczekuje w połowie czerwca natomiast w chwili obecnej zastąpiony został przez ATL 88/90 S

Wszystkie te udogodnienia sprawią, że szybowiec stanie się jeszcze bardziej efektywny, efektowny i operator bardziej niezależny jeżeli chodzi o zarządzanie szybowcem !


Today, in 19.03.2023 has been modified the form of the attachments:
1) On the first place there are schemes which allows you in easy way to understand the renting conditions,
2) Scrolling down, there is an electronic version of flight manual,
3) Going down, there are the important attachments:
a) A Contract
b) check lists
c) other

I hope, it's going to help us in the organisation.
If your have any suggestion to the presentation, something might be not clear or maybe you have any other contents you would like to ask, please feel free contact me.

Best Regards,
Robert Krzywy


On 17.08.2022 the price list for renting a glider has changed !
The offer has become more attractive and transparent !
If you have any questions, please contact me.

Best Regards,

Beautiful gliding weather!
A Triangle FAI 316km with average speed 94 km/h without water ballast !


On 22.06.2022 the glider was officially located outside of the trailer where can be safely secured and left on their station!
It has been equipped in all weather covers and suitable anchoring system.
Now, it is easy to use, with perfect access, without necessity of disassembly!

To introduce you the Mini Nimbus, I have run a youtube channel, where you can find the helpful information related to it equipments, service and tips related to many aspects of this glider !
Zapraszam do subskrybowania, pisania komentarzy, pytań oraz lajkowania oraz zaznaczenia dzwoneczka aby mieć informację o pojawiających się nowych filmach !
I will do my best to answer whether in written form or new videos to let you understand the considered topic!

Remember! Currently the glider is located in Leszno- it does not mean it can be transported. If you need a glider in other location and you have opportunities to storage them please let me know. I see what we can do for you .

Have a high flight!

From the beginning of May the Mini Nimbus is availale in EPLS airfield. At this moment glider in into the trailer sorounded by another sailplanes- nearby the "Taiwan" forest.
After conversation. compleating a renting contract and glider familirization you can use the sailplane !
There are also all wether covers in preparation which alow you holding the glider on the station withoud assembly/disassembly gliders !
In case of any questions do not hesitate contact me !
Best regards ,


Another day of long waiting for registration documents and radio permition certificat. During this time, I managed to complete most of the accessories that will help out in airport operations and I have invested in trailer to make it more friendly and orderly.
I hope we start to flying pretty soon.

Best Regards,