
My name is Robert,

By education and passion, I am a Master Engineer of Aeronautics and Space Technology of the Rzeszów University of Technology and a pilot-instructor of both aircrafts and gliders.
I started my adventure with aviation a dozen or so years ago and it lasts constantly!
Aviation is a lot of fun but also poses many challenges for each of us!
You have to find out! Maybe it will become your new way of spending free time and maybe a way of life!

Air travel is at your fingertips! Ask!

With air greetings,
Robert Krzywy

1. Individual rental of a fully equipped and adapted for flights / competitions glider of the 15-meter Mini Nimbus class ,
Aircraft training, familiarization flights, advanced glider training to improve your qualifications, and enjoy flying in one of the partner centers .
3. VFR/IFR/MCC flight orders,
4. Advertising space (on the website, and a large area on a glider trolley).

Feel free to Contact.