Renting regulations

 I Assumption

  1. The joy of flying on a high-performance, fully equipped 15-meter glider .
  2. Reliable booking and allocation on a given flying day .
  3. Minimum formalities, maximum pleasure .
  4. Transparent terms of use .

II Subject of rental :

The subject of the rental is a fully equipped 15-meter glider Mini Nimbus with accessories enabling the performance of flights registered with a certified device, along with equipment enabling participation in competitions + a dedicated glider trailer
and accessories for managing the glider .

III Conditions that must be met by a pilot who wants to rent a glider:

  1. 200 h TT
  2. Experience on standard class gliders
  3. License, and other aeronautical documents which allow you to fly
  4. Continuity of training *
  5. Before the first rental, sign documents confirming conscious use and knowledge of the rental conditions, contained in dedicated attachments:
  • Agreement / Contract
  • Check glider folding and unfolding list
  • Familiarize yourself with the instructional materials available on the website
    1. Flight manual
    2. Presented videos on YouTube
    1. Confirmed glider reservation
    2. Current fee
    3. Get acquainted with the news about the glider in the tab of a given offer
    4. RODO

* people who do not have continuity of training, and their experience is not proven in any way, e.g. through performances in glider competitions, will have to confirm their knowledge and pilot skills before the first admission to solo flights. (To arrange details please contact me directly).